XSBR System Documentation: Operation

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This section explains the system requirements and directory structure of the XSBR system, as well providing installation instructions and post installation configuration instructions. XSBR is basically a number of Python CGI scripts that generate dynamic webpages.

System Requirements

Hardware A machine capable of running Apache HTTP Server and dealing with the number of uses / size of resources you plan to support.
Operating System Any operating system which that can run a Apache HTTP Server and the Python programming language. This is pretty much every OS out there.
WebServer Apache HTTP Server version 1.3 or version 2.0. XSBR may also be run using Internet Information Server (IIS) that comes with Windows Server systems but XSBR has never been tested with IIS.
Scripting language XSBR using the Python programming language. The system should work with any version above 2.0.

Directory Structure


  1. Copy all the Python CGI scripts to a xsbr directory under your cgi-bin directory.
  2. Copy the ikm directory containing the images and presentations to your htdocs directory.
  3. The first line of each python script contains a path to where the python interpretor can be found. This will have to be ajusted to your particular system: e.g. for Windows  #!C:\Python23\python.exe  and Linux/Unix  #!/usr/bin/env python .
  4. Ensure that all the Python scripts have the correct permissions (typically world executable) to run.
  5. Ensure that the media and metadata directories (see section below) have correct permissions for uploading and viewing media items and medatata documents.


The web-config.xml file (See Directory Structure & Files) is provided to record configuration settings.

The following elements must be set for your particular installation:

An example of web-config.xml is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&g
  <text-extns>txt html text</text-extns>
  <image-extns>jpg jpeg jpe png tiff tif gif bmp</image-extns>
  <audio-extns>mp3 avi wav au</audio-extns>
  <video-extns>mpg mpeg</video-extns>

Example of web-config.xml configuration file

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