XSBR System Documentation: Functional Overview

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The following sections describes the various functional aspects of the XMEG system.

Navigational Structure

Navigational Structure of XSBR.

Module Descriptions

loginpage This page provides a username and password field for logging in.
loginChecker Checks if a supplied username and password is valid. Provides access to user profile attributes stored in there user profile document.
configManager Provides access to configuration attributes stored in there web-config.xml document.
usermanager This page provides access to the user profile document. It allow admin users to add, remove and describe users in the systems.
searchpage This page allows users to perfrom keyword searches across resources in the systems. It displays the results of searches in table form.
searcher This module searchers a directory contain XML metadata documents to see if they match a list of supplied keywords. It first does a brute string comparison to see if a keyword matches. If it does match then actually parses the XML document.
rightsChecker This module checks a resource against a user profile to determine if the user has permission to access the resource.
resource This page displays the details of a single media resource, including descriptive metadata, annotations and a link to the media file.
descriptive This page provides a form for entering descriptive metadata about a particular resource.
annotationform This page provides a form for annotating a particular resource.
rights This page provides a form for entering rights metadata about a particular resource.
tribalcarepage This page provides a form for entering tribal care metadata about a particular resource.
upload This page allows users to upload new media resources.
collectionpage This page allows users to manage their personal 'favorite' or 'bookmarked' resources.
presentationpage This page displays a generated SMIL presentation.
presgeberator This module generates a SMIL document from a supplied list of media resources.

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