XMEG System Documentation: Functional Overview

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The following sections describes the various functional aspects of the XMEG system.

Data Model

Data Model Diagram

Data Model Diagram

The Resource object represents all the metadata that describes a particular Media Asset (text, image, video, audio). A Resource is comprised of four different types of metadata:

User Profiles describe the particular users of the system. Each profile contains a login-id, password, name, user type (see Roles section below) and any number of other fields that describe the characteristics of the user. A profile may be assigned to a single person or a user profile may created that describes a groups of people.

Schemas are used to define both the Resource and User Profiles. They allow users to customise (using the SchemaManager) the structure of the Resource metadata and user profiles. By altering the schema users can specify which metadata fields should appear and what their semantics should be.


There are three type of users in the XMEG: admin, owner and user. Each may perform different roles in the system:

  user owner admin
Description General users of the system. Owners of resources or collections. Administrators of the systems.
Open metadata/media files* Granted Granted Granted
Add/edit descriptive metadata Denied Granted Granted
Add/view/listen to written/spoken annotations* Granted Granted Granted
Delete/edit/restrict annotations Denied Granted Granted
Add/edit rights metadata Denied Granted Granted
Add/edit tribal care metadata Denied Granted Granted
Add/edit user profiles Denied Denied Granted
Load/edit schemas Denied Denied Granted
Edit configuration Denied Denied Granted
* Provided the user profiles meets the rights requirements specified by the particular resource/annotation.

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